This comment is to address the proposed rule by the EPA to find that the Phoenix
Planning Area and the Owens Valley Area did not meet the 24-hour NAAQS for
PM-10 by December 31, 2006, the deadline required in the CAA.
High levels of the particles pose a health threat because they affect the respiratory
system and can damage lung tissue and cause premature death. The elderly,
children and people with asthma and other respiratory problems are particularly
susceptible to exacerbated health problems due to high levels of particulate
matter in the air.
As an Arizona resident, as well as an asthmatic and allergy sufferer, I am
concerned about the Phoenix Nonattainment Area and the effects it has on the
health and welfare of all Arizona residents. I support the EPA?s proposal for a new
attainment deadline for the Phoenix Planning Area of December 31, 2007. Since
the area was initially given a December 2001 deadline to come into compliance,
and already given an extension to comply by December 2006, I suggest the
federal government should impose severe sanctions and penalties if the State of
Arizona does not comply by the proposed new deadline of December 2007.
Comment on FR Doc # E7-05357
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Proposed Finding of Failure To Attain; State of Arizona, Phoenix Nonattainment Area; State of California, Owens Valley Nonattainment Area; Particulate Matter of 10 Microns or Less
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