The Hawaii State Implementation Plan is a great idea and it is in alignment with the Clean Air Act Amendment of 1990. This law stipulates that the EPA should be responsible for protecting and improving the nation's air quality. I think this protection should be done in a cost effective manner to reduce costs. For example several of the proposed operations could be combined in one - like Emissions from motor vehicles, open burning, waste gas and oxides of Nitrogen should all be done using the same procedure unless there's a possibility of causing adverse dangers. As long as the rules are aligned with the clean air act, funds should be allocated wisely in order to prevent wasteful spending. Hawaii is a great tourist attraction to hosts of people from around the globe and preventing dangerous air emmissions would be a great asset to the tourist Industry in the U.S. Hawaii's beauty should be preserved and as Boehm, a native of Hawaii observed, the rapid population growth causes a lot of concern and " the rapid development will affect the vibrant ocean life of the Islands". Ground water, she says, can also be a source of pollutants to the coastal oceans in various places". The EPA therefore has a great responsibility to help reduce or eliminate pollution in the air as well as the substances that give off dangerous emissions in the air and should be able to do it without spending wastefully.
Public Comment on FR Doc # 2012-10103
This is comment on Rule
Revisions to Hawaii State Implementation Plan
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