PO Box 549
Healy, Alaska 99743
March 26, 2012
Docket ID No. EPA-R10-
Dear Mr. McLerran
This is to urge you to strengthen the haze plan for Alaska and require a reduction in haze pollutants from coal-fired power plants that threaten the air quality of Denali National Park. The Clean Air Act should not be undermined.
As a resident of Healy, Alaska, I live on the boundary of Denali National Park can attest to the need for a reduction in emission pollutants. The increase in haze in and around Denali National Park over the years is noticeable. If E.P.A. allows GVEA to skip emission reduction technology upgrades at Units 1 and 2, visibility will decline even more. Additionally, please consider the tourism industry that markets Denali as a pristine landscape.
The EPA must be aware that the Golden Valley Electric Association (GVEA) Healy Power Plant is a very short distance from the border of f Denali National Park. The winds blow the plume from Unit 1 right into Denali airspace. If Unit 2 goes online NOx and SO2 emissions will be even more increased. EPA’s own data shows that the visual range you can see at Denali National Park ranges and that this is due to haze.
While the issue seems to focus on the visual impacts of haze, the particles and gasses that cause the haze (sulfates, nitrates, organic carbon, and elemental carbon (soot) are linked to serious health and environmental effects. Haze pollution contributes to heart attacks, asthma attacks, chronic bronchitis, respiratory illness and premature death.
We know that forest fires and emissions from Asia and Europe are contributors to our haze. Cleaning up our own coal-fired plants is an action that we can take towards improving visibility and air quality in Denali.
Please strengthen the haze plan for Alaska and require meaningful reductions in haze pollution from power plants threatening the air quality of Denali National Park, as well as all Alaskan National Parks and Wilderness Areas.
Comment on FR Doc # 2012-04326
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Approvals and Promulgations of Implementation Plans: State of Alaska; Regional Haze
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