I am writing about the 40CFR 745
1. I believe un occupied units should not have to fall under this ruling
2. Removal of carpet should not fall under this ruling
3. Someone must evaluate the amount of plastic that will be used and disposed and the impact that will have on the enviroment. Consideriing that plastic is a petroleum based product , we will be impacting the enviroment more with this abusive wast than we would with the standard pracices of removing and demolition.
4.Pressure washing of buildings and the impact of lead I believe needs to be studied further and to weigh the additional waste of plastic, the use od dessicants and the end disposal into land fill. I thinke the findings woudl be more detrimental to the enviroment than the possible lead that may be removed.
5.Availibility of certain materials required is limited and must be more readily available before enforcement can take place.
Comment on FR Doc # 2010-16775
This is comment on Notice
Request for Public Comment, Opportunity for Public Hearing: Lead-Based Paint Renovation, Repair and Painting, and Pre-Renovation Education Activities in Target Housing, etc.; State of Oregon
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Public Submission Posted: 08/27/2010 ID: EPA-R10-OPPT-2010-0549-0007
Aug 23,2010 11:59 PM ET