Docket Operations
U.S. Department of Transportation
M-30 West Building Ground Floor, Room W12-140
1200 New Jersey Avenue SE.,
Washington, DC 20590-001
Subject: B757 Engine Fuel Feed System, Fuel Boost Pump Wire Changes ?
Proposed Rule
A/ Rules Docket No. FAA-2007-0175
B/ Boeing Service Bulletins 757-28-0095 & 757-28-0096
C/ NPRM Docket No. 2007-NM-184-AD
D/ Picture, AC0880, LH FWD boost pump connector
Dear Sir or Madam:
In response to the ref. /A/ FAA?s proposed rule, requiring the affected boost pump
wire changes and other specified actions, Continental Airlines has reviewed the
ref. /C/ NPRM and related documents and the comments below are submitted for
your consideration.
Continental Airlines is currently implementing the wire modifications in our 757
fleets in accordance with Boeing S/B 757-28-0095 and 757-28-0096.
In reference to the 757-200 fleet and ref. /B/ service bulletin number 757-28-0095,
figure 2, AC0880, LH FWD fuel boost pump wiring change, it would have been
easier and more appropriate the modification to utilize one of the open holes in the
panel, install a new connector and transfer only the pump wires to the new
connector instead of splicing the wires as shown in the S/B for this location. See
in the ref. /D/ attached picture the upper and lower connector available locations
for the new connector installation and the removed wires from the existing
Also, the splice locations for the LH AFT and RH AFT boost pumps as shown in
the ref. /B/ service bulletin affected figures are incorrect and the splices cannot be
accomplished in those areas. Boeing has been advised and they are working in
the ref. /B/ service bulletin revisions.
Continental recommends that the reference /B/ service bulletins to be revised with
the proper alternate rework instructions for the above mentioned discrepancies
prior to the ref. /C/ NPRM becoming a 14 CFR Part 39- Airworthiness Directive
(AD). If the ref. /C/ NPRM becomes an AD without the necessary changes in the
affected sections been implemented in the ref. /B/ bulletins revision 1 release, then
an alternate means of compliances for this AD per 14 CFR 39.19 procedures
would be required for each airplane that, any of the above discrepancies are found
and the alternate work instructions are applied.
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this subject. Please feel free to
contact me if you have further questions on this subject.
George Zombanakis
Master Systems Engineer
Continental Airlines, Inc.
This is comment on Rule
Airworthiness Directives; Boeing Model 757 Airplanes
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Continental Airlines, Inc.
Continental Airlines, Inc.
Related Comments
Public Submission Posted: 11/13/2007 ID: FAA-2007-0175-0002
Dec 24,2007 11:59 PM ET
Public Submission Posted: 12/12/2007 ID: FAA-2007-0175-0004
Dec 24,2007 11:59 PM ET