We believe this petition should be granted for the following reasons:
1. There would be no safety issue involved, since there are no significant
operational or handling qualities differences between the ?light? and ?heavy? EMB-
110 aircraft, other than the presence of engine firex T-handles in some airplanes.
As the petitioner points out, this item can be adequately handled in Differences
2. The public interest is served by reducing air traffic, since positioning flights to
make a ?heavy? aircraft available for type rating checkrides would be eliminated.
The resulting reduction in operating cost allows the operator to provide its services
more economically, also in the public interest.
3. Grant of the petition eliminates an unjustifiable economic burden upon the
4. There are numerous examples of common-type-rating aircraft which do not
require the largest, or heaviest, or most complex variant to be used on the rating
ride, and which encompass much wider variations in aircraft systems, engines,
and procedures than addressed by this petition: Boeing 737 (more than eight
model variants), DC-6 and 7, Boeing 707 and720, LR-JET (23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 35,
36, etc.), Lockheed Constellation (one rating ride covers model 49, 149, 649, 749,
1049, 1649) etc. ? so this petition is clearly not precedent-setting.
We also believe that, since the petition is not precedent setting, expedited
handling with waiver of the publication and public comment period would be
Regional Air Cargo Carriers Association
This is comment on Rule
Petitions for Exemption; Summary of Petitions Received
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Public Submission Posted: 11/05/2007 ID: FAA-2007-29267-0003
Nov 15,2007 11:59 PM ET