Southwest Airlines

Document ID: FAA-2008-0152-0004
Document Type: Public Submission
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration
Received Date: March 04 2008, at 04:41 PM Eastern Standard Time
Date Posted: March 5 2008, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Start Date: February 8 2008, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Due Date: March 24 2008, at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time
Tracking Number: 803e7534
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Southwest Airlines offers the following comment: It is stated in Boeing Service Bulletin 737-30A1057, Revision 1, dated October 31, 2007, Section 3 ? WORK INSTRUCTIONS, Step 1.b: ?If the wiper motor has a 2313M-347-3 part number and the serial number is not listed in Appendix A of the Rosemount Service Bulletin, change the part number as given in the Rosemount Aerospace, Inc. Service Bulletin 2313M-347/2313M-348-30-01.? It is stated in Boeing Service Bulletin 737-30A1057, Revision 1, dated October 31, 2007, Section 3 ? WORK INSTRUCTIONS, Step 1.c: ?If the wiper motor has a 2313M-347-3 part number and the serial number is listed in Appendix A of the Rosemount Service Bulletin with the "Module Replacement Completed" column marked as "Yes", change the part number as given in the Rosemount Aerospace, Inc. Service Bulletin 2313M-347/2313M-348-30-01.? It is stated in NPRM 2007-NM-348-AD, paragraph (f): ?A review of airplane maintenance records is acceptable in lieu of the inspection if the part number and serial number of the windshield wiper motors can be conclusively determined from that review.? Since this review is acceptable in lieu of an on aircraft inspection of the wiper motor?s part number and serial number, then why must the wiper motor be re- identified while on the aircraft? Boeing Service Bulletin 737-30A1057, Revision 1 and Rosemount Aerospace, Inc. Service Bulletin 2313M-347/2313M-348-30-01 require the aircraft operator to change the part number of a wiper motor that has been determined to be of good and acceptable working condition. Would this part number change not be more efficient and conveniently accomplished at the manufacturer once the motor is removed for other cause? Southwest Airlines requests that the AD only require the replacement of wiper motor?s who?s part number and serial number cannot be read or who?s part number and serial number are listed in Appendix A of the Rosemount Service Bulletin with the ?Module Replacement Completed? column marked as ?No? (Boeing Service Bulletin 737-30A1057, Revision 1, Section 3 ? WORK INSTRUCTIONS, Steps 1.a and 1.d).


Southwest Airlines

Southwest Airlines

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