Taylorcraft Foundation TF# 1

Document ID: FAA-2008-0177-0012
Document Type: Public Submission
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration
Received Date: March 21 2008, at 08:03 AM Eastern Daylight Time
Date Posted: March 21 2008, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Start Date: March 21 2008, at 09:17 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Due Date: 
Tracking Number: 804019a2
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I am submitting as an IA, A&P, former flight test DER for Taylorcraft in Alliance, Oh. and the President of the Taylorcraft Foundation the Type Club for the Taylorcraft under EAA. the Foundation has over 800 members. About six of them have submitted to this comment period. As noted by most, this particular Taylorcraft, the "Wiley" ship is not considered to be a Taylorcraft, this was an Experimential aircraft and had parts from various Models installed. The attach fititngs on this aircraft were TOTALLY unacceptable on an Airworthy aircraft, they were improperly covered, improperly maintained and this was not an airworthy aircraft. Many owners, mechanics and restorers have expressed their opinion that this is an action by the FAA that is not needed. I understand that the NTSB is very concerned due to the double fatal accidnet and probably insisted on a "mandatory" inspection that can only be assured by the issuance of an AD. I do believe that in the interest of safety for our owners and passengers a one time visual inspection is appropriate for this situation and hope that reports back from the field will show that we have been doing the proper inspections at annual & 100 hr time. I will be working with the Type Certicicate holder to insure that all owners understand the serious nature of the proper inspection of this critical area. I can report that to this date the strut fittings are passing the inspection. I do know of one situtation where the tubing aft of the area in question was found to be corroded, again this was an aircraft that had a corrosion problem in other areas too! I recommend they consider another fuselage or a compete inspection of theirs and a lot of tubing replacement. I was one of the people involved in the drafting of this NPRM with the FAA engineer, Andy McAnaul along with the TC holder at that time. I have inspected four aircraft to this date , all passed. I did show two owners that they need to clean things a bit more on a regular basis.

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