Ref: Docket No. FAA-2008-0284
Directorate Identifier 2008-CE-006-AD
Airworthiness Directive 2008-11-18
The above referenced Airworthiness Directive seems to be Repetitive in nature
without a terminating action. Here is what I don't understand.
Note: Applicability SR20 airplanes S/N's 1005 thru 1815
Para. (e) (1) Actions: Perform the pressurizations ck (this is OK)
Para. (e) (1) Compliance: First 25 hrs then every 100 hrs. (this is OK)
Para. (e) (1) Procedures: Follow SB 2X-78-07R1 (this is OK)
Para. (e) (2) Actions: Replace with new improved version of heat exchanger
weldment and new shroud.
Para. (e) (2) Compliance: (this seems OK but not difinitive)
Here is my Question: The NOTE below the Actions, Compliance & Procedures
states: Note: The replacement of the heat exchanger weldment and shroud may
done instead of the initial inspection but does not eliminate the 100-hour
repetitive inspection.
How is it that this AD doesn't apply to serial numbers above 1815 that have the
same NEW IMPROVED weldment heat exchanger and shroud.
One of 2 (two) things should be done here. Either include all SR20's or have a
Terminating clause in the AD because the maintenance manual states this must
done anyway.
This Airworthiness Directive needs to be re-written with a Termination statement.
I look forward to your reply.
Best Regards,
John F. (Fred) Martin
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Total: 1
John F. Martin Public SubmissionPosted: 06/03/2008
ID: FAA-2008-0284-0005
John F. Martin
This is comment on Rule
Airworthiness Directives; Cirrus Design Corporation Model SR20 Airplanes
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Public Submission Posted: 06/03/2008 ID: FAA-2008-0284-0005
May 12,2008 11:59 PM ET