AirTran Airways

Document ID: FAA-2008-0407-0004
Document Type: Public Submission
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration
Received Date: May 22 2008, at 04:43 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Date Posted: May 23 2008, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Start Date: April 7 2008, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Due Date: May 22 2008, at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time
Tracking Number: 805f9446
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AirTran Airways has reviewed the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) under Docket FAA–2008–0407. This proposed AD would require inspecting the drive assembly of the aft elevator standby loop for interference between the clevis and bolt of the bellcrank assembly, correct orientation of the pull-pull cable clevis bolt, and excessive freeplay of the bellcrank assembly bearing, and corrective actions if necessary. These actions are in accordance with Boeing Alert Service Bulletin 717-27A0039, dated December 6, 2007. AirTran appreciates the opportunity to comment publicly on this NPRM, and offers the following: This NPRM affects all eighty-seven B717-200 aircraft in service at AirTran Airways. AirTran Airways accomplished a check of the subject bellcrank and inspected for an interference condition in May 2006, prior to the Service Bulletin Release. These actions were done in response to Fleet Team Digest article 717- FTD-27- 06002 and Boeing message 1-146925139. At that time, no interference conditions were noted. The proposed compliance time for the inspection (group 1, configurations 1 and 2) is 3,000 flight hours or 27 months after the effective date of the AD, whichever occurs first. The proposed time for the replacement of the clevis (group 1, configuration 1) is 27 months after the effective date of the AD. The majority of the B717 fleet is group 1, configuration 1. As similar access is required for both the inspection and clevis replacement, it is more practical to accomplish the clevis replacement at the same time as the inspection. 27 months aligns with the B717 maintenance program heavy maintenance visits, but 3,000 flight hours does not. AirTran proposes that the final rule allow the inspection and clevis replacement be done concurrently at 27 months after the effective date of the AD rather than the inspection be limited to 3,000 flight hours. Due to the described unsafe condition that could result in slow airplane rotation or a control column disconnect during takeoff and a runway excursion if takeoff must be aborted, AirTran Airways supports this proposed rule.

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