Doc# FAA-2010-0033; NPRM; 767 Sta. 1809.5 Vertical Inner Chord
Para. (j) of the Proposed Rule
ABX request a clarification of paragraph (j). It is not clear if paragraph (j) terminates (g). There are two methods to comply with paragraph (g): Inspect or repair. Paragraph (j) needs to specify if it is acceptable for the inspection method or the repair (terminating) method. ABX recommends “terminating” be added to the last sentence of paragraph (j) so that it reads: “…is acceptable for compliance with the terminating requirements of paragraph (g) of this AD for that area only.”
Para. (l) of the Proposed Rule
ABX questions why paragraph (l) is included in the AD. The AD specifies the limits in each applicable paragraph. The AD does not give reference to paragraph 1.E., Compliance, of SB 767-53A0131. ABX recommends paragraph (l) be removed from the AD. With the paragraph included, it leads one to believe that there are limits somewhere in the AD that are hidden.
Para. (m) of the Proposed Rule
ABX requests clarification to paragraph (m). Paragraph (m) contains Table 1 that lists service information that provides guidance on modifying a vertical inner chord. It doesn’t appear that the Service Information listed in Table 1 is approved by the Manager, Seattle ACO.
ABX believes the Service Information listed in Table 1 should be approved by the Manager, SACO for terminating action for the condition of no cracking found during the most recent detailed and HFEC inspections. The modification, with the removal of the damaged area, is approved as terminating action when cracks are found. ABX believes the modification should also be approved when no cracks are found.
ABX recommends Note 1 be changed from “Guidance on modifying a vertical inner chord can be found in the service information identified in Table 1 of this AD.” to: “Approved methods on modifying a vertical inner chord can be found in the service information identified in Table 1 of this AD.”
This is comment on Rule
Airworthiness Directives: Boeing Co. Model 767 Airplanes
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Public Submission Posted: 03/10/2010 ID: FAA-2010-0033-0003
Mar 25,2010 11:59 PM ET
Public Submission Posted: 03/16/2010 ID: FAA-2010-0033-0004
Mar 25,2010 11:59 PM ET
Public Submission Posted: 03/25/2010 ID: FAA-2010-0033-0005
Mar 25,2010 11:59 PM ET