Docket No. FAA-2010-1024; Directorate Identifier 2010-NE-34-AD indicates that GE found cracks in the HPCR 8-10 stage spool weld joint between the 9-10 stages, but no details, so I suggest GE to supply the the details about the time and cycles of the cracked engine and the spools and totally how many engines or spools were found. Secondly, what's the terminal action for this issue? Thirdly, will this issue affect the part life limit extension in 2011 according to the infomation from GE in Vietnam WTT 2009? Finally, can the initial and repetitive FPI and ECI of the HPCR 8-10 stage spool at each piece-part exposure in the shop prevent failure during normal engine operation effectively since the HPC module overhaul interval is 48,000 hours or 6000 cycles when the spool can have piece-part exposure per current GE90 WPG?
China Southern Airlines
This is comment on Rule
Airworthiness Directives: General Electric Co. GE90-76B; GE90-77B; GE90-85B; GE90-90B; and GE90-94B Turbofan Engines
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