Marcello Mataloni

Document ID: FAA-2010-1036-0004
Document Type: Public Submission
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration
Received Date: November 12 2010, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Date Posted: December 2 2010, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Start Date: October 20 2010, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Due Date: December 6 2010, at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time
Tracking Number: 80b8735a
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AD 2010-22-01 has been issued to revise certain criteria for the Boeing Service Bulletin 767-54A0074, Revision 1. According to the new paragraph (j): Replacement of the fuse pins with new fuse pins (not serviceable fuse pins), in accordance with Boeing Service Bulletin 767-54-0074, dated March 27, 1997; or Boeing Alert Service Bulletin 767-54A0074, Revision 1, dated April 24, 2008; terminates the repetitive inspections of the fuse pins required by paragraph (g) of this AD. Paragraph (g) of AD 2010-22-01 requests to accomplish inspections as per Boeing Alert Service Bulletin 767-54A0074, Revision 1, according to Table 1 and repetitive inspections at intervals not to exceed 3000 flight cycles or 24 months, whichver occurs first. According to Boeing SB 767-54A0074 if the existing 311T2090-1 fuse pin is replaced with a new or serviceable fuse pin of same part number 311T2090-1, then the repetitive inspections for the removed fuse pin end, and initial and repetitive inspections start for the newly installed fuse pin of same part number 311T2090-1. According to AD 2010-22-01 paragraph (j) it seems that all repetitive inspections called out on paragraph (g) are not still required, even if, after installing the new fuse pin, new inspections should accomplished as requested by Table 1, Initial inspection threshold. Alitalia CAI believes that paragraph (j) should be more clear if written as follows: Replacement of the fuse pins with new fuse pins (not serviceable fuse pins), in accordance with Boeing Service Bulletin 767-54-0074, dated March 27, 1997; or Boeing Alert Service Bulletin 767-54A0074, Revision 1, dated April 24, 2008; terminates the repetitive inspections of the fuse pins required by paragraph (g) of this AD and start the inspection for the newly installed fuse pin as required by Table 1 Initial inspection threshold. Thanks for your attention. Regards, Marcello Mataloni Alitalia Structures Engineering Dept Tel: + 39 06 6563 56

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