Robert J. Grinch

Document ID: FAA-2012-0056-0002
Document Type: Public Submission
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration
Received Date: March 22 2012, at 12:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time
Date Posted: March 26 2012, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Start Date: March 22 2012, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Due Date: May 21 2012, at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time
Tracking Number: 80fdde4a
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This is a good idea to remove the requirement to carry the letter. There is no point in requiring a pilot to carry the letter of authorization. Only the issuing AME needs to see the letter stating the requirements for the issuance of the medical.

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Robert J. Grinch
Public Submission    Posted: 03/26/2012     ID: FAA-2012-0056-0002

May 21,2012 11:59 PM ET
Christian Todd Grisier
Public Submission    Posted: 03/26/2012     ID: FAA-2012-0056-0003

May 21,2012 11:59 PM ET
James Theda
Public Submission    Posted: 03/26/2012     ID: FAA-2012-0056-0004

May 21,2012 11:59 PM ET
Robert Gordon
Public Submission    Posted: 03/26/2012     ID: FAA-2012-0056-0006

May 21,2012 11:59 PM ET
Richard Thomas Dalton
Public Submission    Posted: 04/02/2012     ID: FAA-2012-0056-0008

May 21,2012 11:59 PM ET