James Douglas

Document ID: FAA-2012-0176-0003
Document Type: Public Submission
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration
Received Date: April 30 2012, at 12:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time
Date Posted: April 30 2012, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Start Date: March 5 2012, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Due Date: May 4 2012, at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time
Tracking Number: 81000089
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I support anything that will streamline the process by which a member of the aeronautical community can bring a complaint and/or request action by the FAA in regards to local agencies that are not living up to their Airport Sponsor Assurances. We are currently in a situation where we approached a Airport Sponsor (a local county airport) to get a ground lease for a private hanger. We told them that once we purchased a retirement house near the airport we would come back and sign a lease. Over that winter we purchased a house. For over ONE YEAR now we have wanted to identify a parcel and sign a lease. The Airport Sponsor is so poorly managing the airport, with no actual airport manager, that we have be unable to do so. We are a classic case why a streamlined process with teeth needs to be in place. We pay my Federal Taxes, We pay my aviation gas taxes. You spend money on our local airport and we cannot build a hanger there do to their lack of business professionalism or anyone that actually knows anything about general aviation. We will end up spending 10 times more on lawyer fees to get a ground lease than the lease is actually worth. If we do not, then we loose the $300K we spent on a house 10 minutes from that airport. Create a better enforcement system!

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Total: 2
James Douglas
Public Submission    Posted: 04/30/2012     ID: FAA-2012-0176-0003

May 04,2012 11:59 PM ET
American Association of Airport Executives
Public Submission    Posted: 06/08/2012     ID: FAA-2012-0176-0008

May 04,2012 11:59 PM ET