Comair, Inc.

Document ID: FAA-2012-0420-0003
Document Type: Public Submission
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration
Received Date: April 23 2012, at 12:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time
Date Posted: April 23 2012, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Start Date: April 19 2012, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Due Date: June 4 2012, at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time
Tracking Number: 80ff62ee
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These comments are submitted on behalf of Comair, Inc. Paragraph (l) It appears the statement “with reduced compliance time for paragraph (n)” has been added in error. If this statement is intended to be part of Paragraph (l) further explanation is needed to make the statement clear. Paragraph (n) It seems the main reason for change to this paragraph is to add Paragraph (n)(2) with the intent to reduce the compliance schedule. By adding Paragraph (n)(2), it will likely extend the compliance time by perhaps three or more months. Under AD 2011-23-08, Paragraph (q), 8 months after the effective date of December 22, 2011 will be August 22, 2012. The comment period for this NPRM ends June 4, 2012. Adding the proposed 60 days after June 4, 2012 is August 3, 2012. Typically three to four months pass from the time the comment period closes until the Final Rule is published. In addition an additional 30 days is normally allowed from the date the Final Rule is published until the effective date. So, using the above logic, the 60 days as proposed in Paragraph (n)(2) will extend the compliance schedule from August 3, 2012 to perhaps December 3, 2012 or beyond. So, if the desire is to reduce the schedule currently in AD 2011-23-08, Paragraph (q), the final rule should be issued without the new proposed Paragraph (n)(2).

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Comair, Inc.
Public Submission    Posted: 04/23/2012     ID: FAA-2012-0420-0003

Jun 04,2012 11:59 PM ET
Air Wisconsin Airlines Corporation
Public Submission    Posted: 06/05/2012     ID: FAA-2012-0420-0004

Jun 04,2012 11:59 PM ET