AirTran/Southwest Airlines has checked the availability of the replacement frame kits (PN SA95530034-3, -5, -7, -9, -11, and -13) and determined that Boeing has 0 in stock of each part number. Boeing’s reorder time is 90 days.
AirTran/Southwest Airlines has checked the availability of the replacement frame (PN 9923405-503/-504, 9923406-503/-504 and 9923407-503/-504) and determined that Boeing has 0 in stock of each part number.
The number in stock and reorder time are unacceptable. To prevent an operational and economical impact, AirTran/Southwest Airlines request delaying the release of this AD until the OEM has time to build up adequate stock of kits and/or frames when frame replacements are required.
AirTran/Southwest Airlines request that a new paragraph is added to the AD stating:
If Boeing Service Bulletin 717-53-0035 dated June 8, 2012, is accomplished, the inspection of overwing frame(s) for cracks can be extended to 45,000 flight cycles from the time of modification of SB 717-53-0035 and 15,000 flight cycles thereafter. Boeing Service Bulletin 717-53-0035 dated June 8, 2012 is FAA approved – reference paragraph 1.F of Boeing Service Bulletin 717-53-0035 dated June 8, 2012.
Southwest Airlines
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Airworthiness Directives: The Boeing Company Airplanes
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Jun 25,2012 11:59 PM ET
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