Why does the FAR matrix show that 52.237-11 is applicable to R&D contracts
and to A&E contracts?
R&D contracts and A&E contracts are usually paid by electronic funds transfer.
There is usually no cash payment involved in such contracts. Therefore, why
would contractors who provide R&D or A&E services have to be capable of
accepting dollar coins?
Furthermore, R&D contracts are often performed at the contractor's own facility,
not on Government premises. FAR 37.116-2 calls for use of 52.237-11 in
solicitations and contracts for services conducted on premises owned by, or under
the control of, the United States Government. If the contract is performed at the
contractor's own facility, there would be no reason to include 52.237-11.
FAR Case 2006-027, Accepting and Dispensing of $1 Coin (Comment #1)
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FAR Case 2006-027, Accepting and Dispensing of $1 Coin
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