Allowing irradiation of lettuce and spinach is an irrational response to a
continuing problem of mass-farming and lax health regulation and inspection.
The reason that we have seen an increase in the outbreak of salmonella and e.
coli is that the farms and distribution centers are filthy. Irradiation is not
a panacea for food-borne illness. It is a overly simplistic bandage to offer an
false level of confidence in the public sector.
Irradiation is not a safe solution. Not only do we see vitamin loss and the
loss of essential fatty acids in irradiated foods, there is a real possibility
of promoting a mutation of the strains of e. coli and other food-borne
microorganisms. Additionally, concerns over the formation of free radicals,
which can set off chain reactions in the body destroying antioxidants, tearing
apart cell membranes, and making the body more susceptible to cancer, diabetes,
heart disease, liver damage, muscular breakdown etc. Laboratory testing of
irradiation has shown serious health concerns, including, including premature
death, fatal internal bleeding, cancer, stillbirths and other reproductive
problems, mutations and other genetic damage, organ malfunctions, stunted
and vitamin deficiencies.
I insist that the public not be misled and ill-informed. While simple labelling
in the grocery may allow a consumer to make his own choice about the use or
irrradiated food, this does not prevent restaurants, school lunchrooms,
hospitals, etc. from serving unknowing consumers foods that have been
irraditted. Given the known and potential health concerns, this is hardly and
acceptable solution.
Anonymous - Comment
This is comment on Rule
Irradiation in the Production, Processing and Handling of Food
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