please forward a copy of this report to me. it is clear that things are very wrong, inefficient and misguided at this federal agency, which seems to have been regulatorily captured by big pharma and big medicine profiteers. you dont seem to work for the safety and health of the americna public anymore. you work for the giveaway to big pharma with the revolving door to let you leave for big money for what you did at the govt agency at big pharma. the criminal element of this is hurting america. we used to be no l in health care, now we are 27 in health care. money and greed is the moving force at this agency. you approve any old crap that comes before you. the vaccines are causing autism all over america and should neve rhave been approved in the loose, maniacal way that they were. to give a tiny baby so many shots to injure and assault the body of that baby is beyone belief stupid and venal and vicious. you have these secret meetings that you have been ordered to make transparent, yet you have taken no steps to make your actions transparent in any way at all, even though your president ordered you to two years ago. you should not be hiding from the pbulic. hiding from the pbulic is when corruption starts. it is rampant at this agency.
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Draft Reports; Availability: Identifying Center for Drug Evaluation and Research's Science and Research Needs
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