There are already commonplace measures built in to the act of purchasing things online that deter minors, one being the fact that your date of birth is on the credit card. This regulation also avoids the fact that a third party can buy tobacco products for minors at a store through an of-age friend or relative much easier than they can through an internet vendor. As a consumer of electronic cigarette products this represents a great deal of conflict of interest. Our community relies heavily on online distribution and I have personally yet to see any minors take apart in it. Please consider that the likelihood of a niche but very much alive and growing industry is in jeopardy due to regulations like these. I can also tell you with absolute certainty that many more vendors than just within the e-cigarette community, many of whom are local tobacco stores that pay taxes also use online distribution. The lawmakers in charge of this mandate will be responsible for destroying a whole lot of small businesses under the guise of underage tobacco dealings, which of course is much easier to accomplish in a face to face store manner through a third party than it is online.
Shane Allan Welch - Comment
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Non-Face-to-Face Sale and Distribution of Tobacco Products and Advertising, Promotion, and Marketing of Tobacco Products; Extension of Comment Period
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