On the cover there is a space for "duty station". In some states the state EMA may be the AHJ over the IMT program but the individual carrying the PTB will likely be from another (local) agency. "Duty Station" should include the agency name of the AHJ to issue the PTB and the agency of the person working on the PTB.
Page 2: Line 7-9 says "Final Evaluator's Verification" without any indication of the Position being evaluated. The Position title needs to be pre-printed here or at the very least a line should be inserted to distinguish between the position and the "Final Evaluator's Verification".
Page 2: Line 20 has the same issue with "duty station", in fact, this issue exists within all the PTBs.
Page 3: Line 7 I believe "qualified" is a better choice of words than "certified"
Page 4: Line 18 Will all agencies now be required to use the ICS Form 225 or will local evaluation forms suffice?
Page 6: Is suggesting that the DIVS Kit contain an ICS Form 215 misleading in that the 215 is not the responsibility of the DIVS? Maybe a briefing/de-briefing form would be more appropriate.
Page 7: Task 4 I think this should read "resources assigned by kind, type and quantity".
Page 10: Lines 9 and 10 I don't think the DIVS responsibility is to "gain concurrence of affected agencies and the public" That's the OSCs job. Change that Behavior to "Assist in the developement and implementation of plans and make adjustments where necessary". The tasks associated with this Behavior are on target with the DIVS job.
Air Operations is a critical part of the DIVS job but there are no tasks associated with coordinating aircraft. Aircraft are utilized tactically and logistically on a regular basis by the DIVS. Something needs to be added along those lines.
General Formatting: It might add a page or two to the PTB but I would like to see tasks not carried over from one page to the next. Format the PTB so that tasks begin and end on the same page.
Comment Submitted by Richard Olson
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All-Hazard Position Task Books for Type 3 Incident Management Teams
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