March 10, 2008
Mr. Bill Brushwood
Financial Management Service
401 14th Street, SW
Room 400A
Washington, DC 20227
Re: Docket Number FISCAL-FMS-2007-0008
Dear Mr. Brushwood:
The National Automated Clearing House Association (?NACHA?) appreciates this
opportunity to respond to the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking regarding federal
government participation in the Automated Clearing House Network (the ?Proposed
Rule?) issued by the Financial Management Service (?FMS?). The Proposed Rule
would amend the regulation by adopting changes to the NACHA Operating Rules
that took effect in 2006 and 2007, with limited exceptions.
NACHA appreciates that FMS and the Federal government continue to recognize the
value of maintaining consistency between the regulation governing Federal agency
payments and the NACHA Operating Rules. NACHA supports the Proposed Rule but
seeks clarification regarding FMS? proposed exceptions, as described below.
Exceptions: (1) Split Disbursements of Federal Employee Travel Payments and (2)
Disbursements for Federal Payment Card Programs
NACHA requests clarification to the proposal to codify Treasury?s 2005 waiver
permitting split disbursements of Federal employee travel payments and
disbursements for Federal payment card programs. It is NACHA?s understanding
that the Federal government has adopted subsection 4.1.4 of the NACHA Operating
Rules permitting a Receiving Depository Financial Institution (?RDFI?) to post
Federal payments to a deposit account based upon the account number received
with the entry. If this is correct, NACHA requests that the Final Rule clarify
that a financial institution, for posting purposes, may rely solely on the
account number in any Federal agency ACH entry, and that no requirement for
matching the name(s) in the entry to a name(s) on the deposit account is
expressed or implied. This would include disbursements for Federal employee
travel and Federal payment card programs.
Business Checks Ineligible for Conversion
One of the amendments to the 2006 NACHA Operating Rules identifies which
business checks are ineligible for conversion for ARC and POP entries. The
purpose of this amendment was to allow more checks to be converted and give
corporations an opportunity to code those checks they did not want converted.
Under the rule, checks greater than $25,000 are ineligible to be converted.
NACHA appreciates that this amendment addresses problems the agencies previously
had in systematically identifying which business checks received in collection
streams were ineligible for conversion and, as a result, eliminates the need to
address the conversion of business checks in part 210.
Voting and Funding Requirements
The purpose of the network administration fees implemented in the 2007 NACH
Operating Rules is to provide a stable and predictable source of funds for the
management of the ACH Network that is paid for by the parties that directly
receive the benefits of the services.
NACHA appreciates that the Proposed Rule supports this funding mechanism and
recognizes the importance in providing for the long term funding of NACHA?s ACH
Network administration activities, including risk management and the advancement
of rules supporting the ability of entities to convert check payments into ACH
ARC and POP Entries
NACHA amended the authorization and notice requirements for check conversion
remain consistent with Regulation E and its associated commentary, which was
revised effective January 1, 2007. The Proposed Rule permits agencies to
continue to use the longer disclosures currently required by part 210 or adopt
the shorter disclosure language allowed in the NACHA Operating Rules.
NACHA appreciates that FMS recognizes the NACHA Operating Rules? shorter
disclosure requirements and permits agencies to use this shorter disclosure
language if they so choose.
Back Office Conversion Entries
NACHA amended the NACHA Operating Rules to allow ?eligible? checks to be
converted to ACH entries when appropriate notice is provided in person by the
payee to the check writer. Back Office Conversion (?BOC?) enables financial
institutions that receive a check image from the payee to convert that image
into an ACH payment. It also enables financial institutions to permit their
customers to create an ACH payment from an image of a check when a copy of the
image is kept by either the customer or the financial institution.
NACHA appreciates that BOC addresses the Government?s need for flexibility in
certain situations and that the amendment obviates the need to retain certain
provisions in part 210 permitting check conversion under these circumstances.
NACHA is not concerned that FMS is exempting Federal agencies from the
self-audit provisions of the NACHA Operating Rules, as this exemption is
consistent with FMS? previous position of exempting Federal agencies from these
Minor Operational Efficiency and Return Issue Changes
The Proposed Rule adopts those amendments to both the 2006 and 2007 NACHA
Operating Rules that have a minor impact on the ACH Network. NACHA appreciates
that the Proposed Rule adopts these changes and recognizes that they improve the
operation of the ACH Network and the clarity of the NACHA Operating Rules.
Thank you for allowing us this opportunity to respond. If I can be of further
assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at (703) 561-3975.
Carrie M. Lee
Staff Attorney
Comment on FR Doc # 08-00022
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Federal Government Participation in the Automated Clearing House
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Public Submission Posted: 03/07/2008 ID: FISCAL-FMS-2007-0008-0002
Mar 10,2008 11:59 PM ET
Public Submission Posted: 03/10/2008 ID: FISCAL-FMS-2007-0008-0003
Mar 10,2008 11:59 PM ET