I love the way you try to regulate trucking thru the driver. I do understand that the driver is the last line of defense, when it comes to the regulations. The problem is that alot of drivers think that there job is in jeopardy, if they refuse to do what their dispatcher says. This comes from the atmosphere that you have created. The government subsidises the training of new drivers, regardless of their qualifications, so a new driver looks more appealing because they have a clean record as opposed to a more qualified driver, that may have a few offenses. These new drivers are paid less and are not trained in these areas of dealing with their dispatchers. I'm a driver of 35 years, over 3 million safe miles, drive a truck about 1,100,000 miles a year, and yet when I get a ticket every 3 years I'm a habitual offender. If you continue with these regulations, you will do something the truckdrivers could never do, and that is to regulate the industry into non existence, and bring this nation to it's knees. The problem here is bureacrats can't run the country let alone run a business. For example: the post office, social security. I will also say I would bet that the people in charge of the rules and regulations have never done an honest days work in their life. While I'm thinking about it, CDL's what a scam, if I get a ticket in my car, it goes on my CDL's, if I get a ticket in my truck, it goes on my CDL's. Also everything goes on safe-stat thats bad and nothing that is good. For example: 3 million safe miles. That information and a dollar will get me a cup of coffee, but the info on my CDL's gets my insurance premiums raised. thank you so much for destroying the trucking industry.
David M. Schraub - Comments
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Comprehensive Safety Analysis 2010 Initiative
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