Brooke A. Dobbs - Comments

Document ID: FMCSA-2004-19608-11623
Document Type: Public Submission
Agency: Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Received Date: February 15 2011, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Date Posted: March 4 2011, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Start Date: January 31 2011, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Due Date: 
Tracking Number: 80befdb7
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This is comment on Rule

Hours of Service of Drivers

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I do not feel the changes that are proposed to the current "hours of service" are in any way a move towards safety on the highway. I am a third generation truck driver and currently a dispatcher for a chemical tanker company. I do believe there need to be changes, but not what is being propossed. It is obvious that these proposed changes are coming from people who do not know the industry and don't understand how these changes will cost money that will only be passed down to everyone. More importatntly, statistics have shown that safety has increased not decreased in the trucking world and with some changes,that are needed, from people in the business and not special interest groups it will continue to get even better. If there has to be changes then find people in the trucking industry who understand the correct way to do so. Reducing the driving hours by an hour will make no difference, give the driver the ability to take a break within his driving, without it counting against him, so he can refresh would make more sense. Making him/her push on thru so they can make their miles or delivery/pick-up is the problem,not taking hours from him. As far as 54hrs istead of 34hrs restart makes no sense what-so-ever.Do you need 54hrs before you start work again or drive your car---NO!! The half hour break for every 7 hours doesn't need to be madated for the simple fact that there are no drivers who don't stop anyway for the bathroom,fuel,ect. And the 14hour shift down to 13hours is not the problem. The problem is the time wasted at the shipper and reciever and it counting against your time if you have started your "on duty status". You must find people who are in the industry and know excactly what is needed for the industry. you wouldn't ask a computer programer what a farmer needs to run his farm. I hope you all take your time to find out exactly what is needed by asking the right people and consider how it will effect so many. in and out of the industry.

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