as a trucker for 20 year i find the most dangerest thing a company can do is place a driver on day shift and then change him back to night shift and back and forth.. company's will take advatage of this and call it safe. it not good for the human body.. you may what to look into it as you plan a new hour of service law. i can drive safty 12,13 hours but not if my body is bounded around from night to day to night to day.. try doing it your nose will run and eyes will feel like they got sand in them.. hope someone reads this Eric Schnare
Eric A. Schnare - Comments
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Hours-of-Service Requirements: Preparation of Drivers' Record of Duty Status to Document Compliance
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Public Submission Posted: 08/26/2010 ID: FMCSA-2010-0180-0002
Public Submission Posted: 09/08/2010 ID: FMCSA-2010-0180-0003