the public does not approe of this pilot program or of this program going into implementation in any way. this is an invasion oif america. itis an invasion oif mexican drugs into american and beheadings and guns all of which are rampant in mexico.
do we have americans or mexicans running us dot on this project? it seems like greedy profiteers will allow any old person to drive into america for them to make higher profits as to those who wrote you affirmative letters. we have profiteers who will sink america into the ground to do business cheaper and make more money. i deplore that kind of american. ameica cannot survive with greedy profiteers like the potato council, etc. grupo behr has a very very poor safety record. grupo behr has no insurance on their trucks and you want to let them into america? i do not believe dot should be charged with checking the english of mexican drivers. it is clear us dot is trying to ram this through and has lost all sensibility in this matter. america does not want mexican problems rolling through our lands. i resent greedy profiteers selling amerian down the river to save ten cents on shipping potatoes. all documents on this issue shoudl be put on line without excuses from the partial scheming us dot. thisis a huge invasion of america. this failure of fmcsa to give 30 days for comment is an example of govt bullying. that is what is prompting the wall street protestors. we are all sick and tired of federal govt bullying. democratic principles go out the window when a venal agency like fmcsa wants to ram something through that the people do not want.
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Pilot Project on NAFTA Trucking Provisions; Pre-Authorization Safety Audits
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