Comment on FR Doc # 2012-10229

Document ID: FNS-2011-0025-0002
Document Type: Public Submission
Agency: Food And Nutrition Service
Received Date: April 29 2012, at 06:06 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Date Posted: May 14 2012, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Start Date: April 27 2012, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Due Date: July 26 2012, at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time
Tracking Number: 81000a12
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this agency should be shut down. it is running a crimnial, crookthis agency is a total waste and allows ccriminal spending of us tax dollars. this agency allows lying parents to lie to get their kids free lunches, so that their kids care is turned over to general taxpaeyers. this is an abdication of truthful govt. plainfield nj is one example of where those who make alot of money in salary still get their kids on these school lunch welfare rolls. so that poorer people than them pay for the kids lunchs. this agency is so sloppy, illegal immigrant kids are in our schools getting free lunches on american taxpayers, who are thus being forced in to bankruptcy to pay for all the leaches who sneak in and invade this country to get freebies. this is wrong. totaly wrong. this agency is so sloppy it allows this to happen. i would like to see this agency shut down totally, with a budget of zero. let parents pay for their kids lunches. this policy is increasing tax burden every year. all abbott schools in nj have criminal kids on the rolls for free school lunches. this has become a criminal racket in newark, irvington, plaiinfield, etc. these parents, who can well afford to pay for lunch, are teaching their kids to live with lies. this program should be shut down. what good does your "review" do. you take nobody off the rolls, which are full of criminality jeanpublic ed taxpayer wants to pay into such a poorly run agency, which lets illegal immigrant invaders kids come in here and leach off americans. it also lets those well able to pay for their kids lunches graft and show corruption innot paying for their own kids food, makign poorer people pay taxs so their kids can eat free.

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