Transporting chickens in such cramped boxes that are neither warmed in the winter nor cooled in the summer after the chickens have been left in similar/same crate-like enclosures in warehouses for days before actually being transported to be slaughtered does not seem humane to me; nor does it to most everyone I have chanced to speak to about it. The pigs being abused cruelly by farm hands who state blatantly that they "hate pigs" to excuse their abusive treatment of them when they are kept in small, boxed inclosures so that they cannot even stand up, run away, or walk from the time that they become adult pigs is so horrible I had nightmares and refuse to continue buying/eating meat. When I saw piglets thrown against the walls, and when the tails were snipped, that did not seem "humane." If the pigs chew their tails off, then the veterinarians could admit that there is something very wrong in keeping them in such tight-spaced confinement. Pigs do have a level of intelligence equivalent to a five-year-old child, and they are very maternal to their young. I wonder if the mother pig doesn't feel very anquished on hearing the screeching squeals their pigslets emit when their tails are cut off.
My mother refuses to eat beef no matter what farm it comes from after seeing how the disabled cows are handled, and how the cows are also kept in too restrictive-spaced confinement in Industrial Farms. There needs to be labeling on the packaged meats to let people "know" which farms the meats comes from; and a listing of the Industrial Farms, and those farms caught being cruel to the livestock available to the public. When food is recalled, there is a listing of the foods and their respective serial numbers. I would like to see such a listing of the farms graded by how humanely or inhumanely they treat their livestock. Maybe, they could be graded monthly.
I would not want to wear a coat made from the skin of an animal that had been treated so grossly, inhumanely, and cr
Comment from Claudine Tucker
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Cooperative Inspection Programs: Interstate Shipment of Meat and Poultry Products
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