February 10, 2008
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
4401 N. Fairfax Drive, Suite 222
Arlington, VA 22203
To Whom It May Concern:
I complement the U.S. Fish and Wildlife?s hard work in developing the proposed
designation of critical habitat, but unfortunately the proposed rule fails to include
many areas essential for the conservation of this beetle. The ultimate goal for any
species given protection under the Endangered Species Act is to recover the
species to a point where protection is no longer necessary. Designation of a
sufficient amount of critical habitat for Cicindela nevadica lincolniana?s recovery is
the most important factor to reach this goal. Unfortunately, several crucial areas
necessary to achieve this goal are currently not included in the proposed rule.
While studying the Salt Creek tiger beetle, Cicindela nevadica lincolniana for three
years from 2002-2005 as a research assistant at the University of Nebraska-
Lincoln I gained a unique understanding of this beetle?s ecology and threats to its
population. I have walked almost all of the saline acreage in this proposal and
even more saline acreage not included. Based on my experience, failure to
designate Haines Branch/Middle Creek area which includes the original type
locality of Cicindela nevadica lincolniana near Salt Lake along Interstate 80 is a
major flaw in the proposed rule. Cicindela nevadica lincolniana occupied this
habitat until 1998 and the site still contains some of the most favorable saline
habitat for reintroductions. This area needs to be added.
In addition within the Haines Branch/Middle Creek area, are open salt flats with
adjacent wetlands on and around the Burlington Railyard property. These areas
should also be included in this proposed rule because they include saline wetland
habitat that could be restored to provide habitat for establishing populations.
Areas south of Lincoln near Sprague, NE also contains quality saline wetland
habitat that could be managed and restored to establish Cicindela nevadica
lincolniana populations. These areas would establish a population distant from
other current populations. This distant population is needed to keep Cicindela
nevadica lincolniana viable in the event current populations are decimated by
some catastrophic event. Therefore, saline wetlands near Sprague need to be
I am also concerned that the designated critical habitat along Little Salt Creek
(Tracts 2 and 3) is too fragmented not providing sufficient corridors for beetle?s to
move within and between these tracts as the habitat changes over time. Tracts 2a
thru 2h need to be adjoined by expanding these tracts to allow sufficient
movement of beetles in these areas. In addition, near Tract 3 along Little Salt
Creek up to the confluence of Little Salt Creek and Salt Creek I have observed
Cicindela nevadica lincolniana utilizing silt beds along the waters edge for feeding,
mating, and thermoregulation. Therefore, Tract 3 should be expanded to include
the banks of Little Salt Creek up to confluence of Little Salt Creek and Salt Creek.
Thank you for considering my comments.
William Allgeier
6437 Oak Street
Taylor, MI 48180
Comment on FR Doc # 07-05980
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Designation of Critical Habitat for the Salt Creek Tiger Beetle (Cicindela nevadica lincolniana)
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