Please find our comments pasted below as well as attached as a .pdf.
Thank You!
Ileene Anderson
Staff Biologist,
Center for Biological Diversity
PMB 447, 8033 Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90046
August 13, 2008
Public Comments Processing,
Attn: FWS–R8–ES–2007–0008,
Division of Policy and Directives Management,
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
4401 N. Fairfax Drive, Suite 222,
Arlington, VA 22203
RE: Comments on Draft Critical Habitat and Economic Analysis for the San
Bernardino Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys merriami parvus). 73 FR. 43910 (July 29, 2008)
To whom it concerns,
These comments on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s proposed rule revising
the designation of critical habitat for the San Bernardino kangaroo rat
(Dipodomys merriami parvus) are submitted on behalf of the staff and members of
the Center for Biological Diversity (“Center”). The Center is a national,
nonprofit organization whose mission is to protect and restore endangered
species and wild places through science, policy, education, advocacy, and
environmental law. The Center has over 40,000 members, many of whom reside in
California, including the inland empire of cismontane Riverside and San
Bernardino counties where the San Bernardino kangaroo rat (SBKR) also currently
lives. The Center’s members and staff regularly visit the alluvial fan sage
scrub, coastal sage scrub and chaparral where the SBKR are known to exist for
purposes of research, photography, hiking, and other recreational, scientific,
and educational activities.
The Center strongly supports designation by the Service of critical habitat for
the SBKR. However, we have many specific concerns about the proposed Critical
Habitat. One of our largest concerns is proposed reduction and elimination of
existing Critical Habitat designation for locations that are known to be
occupied by the SBKR. While the most recent proposal (April 16, 2008) adds some
areas back in, it does not include all areas where the SBKR are currently living
and reproducing successfully and still fails to justify why these areas are not
considered “core” areas and are not included in the Critical Habitat
designation. Likewise, the proposed designation fails to identify and include
all suitable habitat including unoccupied suitable habitat, which is essential
for the recovery of the species. These omissions violate basic purposes and
principals of the Endangered Species Act (ESA).
In these comments, we include by reference the letters that the Center has
submitted to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) on August 20, 2007 on
the Proposed Designation of Critical Habitat for the San Bernardino Kangaroo Rat
(Dipodomys merriami parvus); 72 Fed. Reg. 33808 (June 19, 2007), on January 24,
2008 on Additional Comments on the Proposed Designation of Critical Habitat for
the San Bernardino Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys merriami parvus); 72 Fed. Reg. 70284
(December 11, 2007), and on May 16, 2008 on Comments on the Proposed Critical
Habitat and Economic Analysis for the San Bernardino Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys
merriami parvus); 73 Fed. Reg. 20581 (April 16, 2008). This letter addresses
the Addendum to the Economic Analysis dated May 21, 2008 and the re-opening of
the comment period on the June 19, 2007 proposed rule, on the proposed revised
designation, draft economic analysis (DEA), and addendum to the DEA 73 Fed. Reg.
While we support the addition of 1,579 acres of land for critical habitat
designation for the SBKR in addition to the 9,079 acres described in the June
2007 Proposed Rule, we oppose the 349 acres proposed for exclusion under section
4(b)(2) of the Act. This acreage is proposed for exemption in two units: 1) the
Wooly Star Preserve Area (WSPA) in unit 1 and 2) the Western Riverside County
Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP) in unit 5. This exemption
violates the ESA for the following reasons:
o The WSPA was not originally established for conservation of the SBKR, but
instead for the federally endangered Santa Ana River Woolly Star (Eriastrum
densiflorum ssp. sanctorum). While the two species, the SBKR and the woolly
star are sympatric in some areas, the regime necessary to ensure the persistence
of the woolly star requires scouring floods and deposition of alluvium. This
regime could cause “take” of the SBKR. Because the current management plan
focuses on maintaining the woolly star, the WSPA will not provide assurances
that the SBKR will be protected. To confuse management goals further, there are,
in fact, two overlapping draft plans for the same piece of property as well.
The Draft Multiple Species Habitat Management Plan (MSHMP) is an Army Corps of
Engineers plan that is the long-overdue required mitigation for the Seven Oaks
Dam. The Upper Santa Ana River Wash Land Management Plan and Environmental
Impact Report (the Wash Plan) is a draft Habitat Conservation plan that also
covers this same piece of ground, however, it is not final either. Because the
WSPA plan does not managed specifically for the SBKR and the neither of the two
un-integrated draft plans (MSHMP and the Wash Plan) are finalized, the failure
to designate critical habitat in these areas does not comply with the ESA.
o The Western Riverside MSHCP (and the Wash Plan), like all habitat conservation
plans, do not replace the need for critical habitat. See Natural Resources
Defense Council v. United States Dept. of the Interior, 275 F. Supp. 2d 1136,
1152 (C.D. Cal. 2002) (critical habitat offers distinct protections required by
ESA over and above multi-species habitat conservation plans; conservation plans
not fungible with critical habitat). In fact, habitat conservation plans are
mechanisms for “take” of endangered species, like the SBKR. The proposed
Section 4(b)(2) exclusion fails to acknowledge that West Riverside MSHCP is not
based on a recovery or even a benefit standard and is therefore illegal.
With regards to the Draft Addendum to the Economic Analysis of Critical Habitat
Designation for San Bernardino Kangaroo Rat - San Bernardino and Riverside
Counties, California - May 21, 2008, once again the cost estimates are highly
over valued and exaggerated. All of the costs would be required even if
critical habitat had not been designated, because the SBKR currently lives in
those areas. Additionally the document fails to address any of the economic
benefits of designation of critical habitat. This is the same fatal flaw that we
raised in our May 16 letter on the original Economic Analysis which addressed
the improper methodology and failure to consider economic benefits.
Additionally, it appears that the Service has abdicated responsibility of its
ESA regulatory authority if it is true as stated that “SBCFCD self-regulates by
avoiding projects in critical habitat that the [staff] biologists determine may
adversely affect SBKR or its habitat.” Addendum to EA at pg. 11. A proponent
agency does not have the legal authority to determine if a project will
adversely affect a federally endangered species or its habitat. At a minimum,
these determinations are required to have the Service’s concurrence.
In conclusion, the whole process for the re-designation of Critical Habitat is
critically flawed. Each one of the proposals and Economic Analysis are either
scientifically or economically flawed. In order to recover the species, which
is the function of the critical habitat designation, all occupied and
appropriate unoccupied habitat needs to be identified and designated. These
proposals drastically slash existing critical habitat and fail to include all of
the currently occupied habitat, all without any scientifically defensible
If you have any questions with regards to our comments, please feel free to
contact us at the address and phone number provided in this letter.
/s/ /s/
Ileene Anderson John Buse
Staff Biologist Senior Attorney
Center for Biological Diversity Center for Biological Diversity
Comment on FR Doc # E8-17054
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Revised Critical Habitat for the San Bernardino Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys merriami parvus) Reopening of the comment period
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Comment on FR Doc # E8-17054
Comment on FR Doc # E8-17054
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