is fws doing a scam on the american public or what - protecting foreign birds and wildlife that hardly get to the usa, and failing in all c ases to protect the animals that are known to live in the usa. this reotten agency has taken off protection wolves, which were being studied in yellowstone and which the taxpayers of thountry have spent millions to study, and allowed gun wacko nra member so shoot them, destroying all the studies that were spent on these wolves. that is the way this agency is wrunning these day - out of controla nd int he most stupdi way possible. janine vannorman couldnt even list properly ni the federal register where this document was this am. because the numbers in the fed register didnt work to bring up a document. we need to shut down the fws because it is not protecting american birds or animals/wildlife. it is letting them all be killed. the unrealistic attitutude of the employees at this agency are allowing the wholesale destruciton oif all wildlife in this country, all for the nra. we need an investigation of nra money and its influence on what is going on at the usfws. it is polluting our govt poolicies. i support protecting this bird which does not live in america and does not fly here and one wonders at the money spent for this protection effort when this bird does not live in this country. maybe honduras can also take action to protct it in their own country since it is a honduras bird. LETS GET THIS AGENCY TO WORK ON PROTECTING WHAT GROWS HERE NATURALLY. THIS AGENCY IS SO DEFECTIVE. WE ASK FOR AN INVESTIGATION OF THE EMPLOYEES AND THE MONEY THEY ARE GETTING FROM THE NRA.
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This is comment on Proposed Rule
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants: Listing Honduran Emerald Hummingbird
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