Chief, Division of Migratory Bird Management, U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service
4401 North Fairfax Drive
Mail Stop MBSP-4107
Arlington, VA 22203-1610
To whom it may concern:
I'm writing this evening to support the USFWS proposals to simplify aspects of federal
regulations governing importation and exportation of raptors used in falconry into and
back from Canada (and mexico), and for exporting propagated raptors under 50 CFR
part 23.
I support adoption of proposed rule paragraph proposed Sec. 21.21(d), to simplify
traveling into Canada and back with a legally held, trained raptor for the purposes of
engaging in falconry.
I also support changes clarifying 50 CFR part 23, to add a provision to (clearly) allow
export of lawfully acquired captive-bred raptors, provided that the exporter holds both a
valid raptor propagation permit and a CITES export permit, and has full
documentation of the lawful origin of the raptor(s). Such raptors would also have to be
properly identified by a captive-bred raptor band as presently required at 21.30 of this
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on these proposals. Though modest, these
changes will reduce administrative cost to the federal government yet have no impact
on the USFW's ability to protect wild raptor species as required in the Migratory Bird
Treaty Act (MBTA) and Convention on International Trade in endangered Species
Doug Pineo
4210 S. Dorset Rd.
Spokane, WA 99224
tel. 509-624-3427
Comment on FR Doc # E7-22182
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Migratory Bird Permits; Revisions to Migratory Bird Import and Export Regulations
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Public Submission Posted: 02/11/2009 ID: FWS-R9-MB-2007-0012-0004
Feb 19,2008 11:59 PM ET