spending taxpayer dollars to restore wildlife so that it can be shot to death by wildlife murdering hunters makes no sense to the americna public. the taxpayers of this country are not here on earth so they can fund what these elmer fudds get joy from - murdering birds and wildlife. donig that is sick, psychotic behavior. did this agency give money to nj div fish & game to restore the bear as endangered because the psychotic sick wildlife murderers in nj have been shooting them down every chance they get. this iis truly sick columbine type behavior. we dont need or want our federal agencies to be operaring as if the entire american nation is in a cowboy movie. somebody from the crazed george bush dick cheney (elmer fudd)_ era got to put some bodies in this agency. those employees need to be fired now. they are out of syn ciwh 2010 and still seem to exist as if this is l870. dont fund this endeavor. we dont ever want growing animals for the purposeof allowing sick psychos with guns to kill them. go see www.akrondeertorture.com or www.metroparkcorruption.com at sharkonline.com
Comment on FR Doc # 2010-10604
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Removing Regulations Implementing the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act
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Public Submission Posted: 05/07/2010 ID: FWS-R9-WSR-2010-0009-0002
Jul 06,2010 11:59 PM ET