As Director of the Oklahoma State Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Control, I want to share with you how valuable the Federal Surplus Program is to the Bureau, the citizens of Oklahoma, and to all Americans. Because of its significance, I want to express my concern regarding the Proposed Rule Change FMR 2009-102-3. This rule change would set a precedent that could be devastating to state and local law enforcement entities and specifically to this agency by permitting excess/unused aircraft and airframe commodities and components to bypass the current Federal Surplus Program.
OBNDD is proud to currently be utilizing aircraft, aircraft components and other items purchased through the Federal Surplus Program for equipment re-utilization in the fight against illegal drug trafficking. Our aircraft and helicopter were both purchased under this program and are critical to the success and perpetuation of our nationally recognized Domestic Marijuana Eradication Program which involves aerial marijuana reconnaissance, rappelling and spraying techniques to eradicate domestically grown marijuana before it can reach the open market. Each summer, OBNDD eradicates thousands of marijuana plants, initiates numerous arrests and seizes caches of weapons from growers all across Oklahoma.
Especially in these tough economic times, transfer of equipment and components to law enforcement entities to perpetuate its use for the public good is an effective and prudent use of this equipment and its related components. Often when surplus items bypass the system, they are sold to the private sector for pennies on the dollar, and the same items are re-purchased by governmental entities for a much inflated price. Furthermore, as a responsible steward of public resources, I endeavor to make the best use of all funding and programs to supplement our aircraft maintenance and all other public safety programs in this agency.
I urge you to not pass this rule.
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This is comment on Proposed Rule
Federal Management Regulation: FMR Case 2009-102-3; Replacement of Personal Property Pursuant to the Exchange/Sale Authority
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