Re. matching provisions for the ESG grants: I would encourage HUD to require that recipients make a minimal match, e.g. 25%, of ESG grants, if they disburse the funds to sub-recipients. I believe doing so could increase the recipients’ investment in implementing strong ESG programs to benefit homeless people and strengthen the partnership between HUD, the recipient, and any sub-recipients. This also could result in an overall increase in funds available for ESG activities, if recipients were allowed to continue to require sub-recipients to match funds they receive up to 100%. For example, if recipients matched an ESG grant to 25% of it, and sub-recipients were required to match 100% of a sub-recipient grant, the total amount spent on ESG activities would be 250% of the HUD ESG allocation, not 200% as is now the case. Such matching requirements could be helpful, too, during this time when the ESG eligible activities are being expanded to include homeless prevention and rapid rehousing work.
Comment Submitted by Lloyd Schmeidler (3rd Comment)
This is comment on Rule
FR–5474–I–01 Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing: Emergency Solutions Grants Program and Consolidated Plan Conforming Amendments
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