Proposed ?54.4980G-4 Q/A-15(b) discusses the affects accelerated Employer
HSA contributions have on satisfying comparability when employees receive more
contributions during a period based on the amount of qualifying medical expenses
or receive more contributions on a monthly basis due to termination of
employment. But the proposed regulations do not discuss the affect on payroll
taxes (FICA, FUTA, RRTA and Income tax withholding) if some or all of the
Employer Contributions to an HSA are recharacterized as Excess HSA
contributions. Employer Contributions to an HSA are not subject to withholding
from wages for income tax or subject to FICA, FUTA or RRTA taxes if, at the time
of the contribution, it is reasonable to believe that the employee will be able to
exclude the contribution under ?106(d). Under ?106(d)(1) Employer Contributions
to an HSA area treated as employer paid health coverage to the extent such
amounts do not exceed the HSA maximum limit under ?223(b). Consequently, if
an Employer?s HSA contribution exceeds an employee?s HSA maximum limit the
?106(d) protection is lost and the amounts are now taxable. What are the
consequences to the Employer? What corrective action, if any, must the
employer take? Are the Employer?s Contributions now subject to all payroll taxes,
payroll tax withholding and payroll tax reporting? Does it make a difference if this
is brought to the attention during the year (when payroll adjustment can be made)
or after the tax year? I would like these regulations to go a little further than just
discussing the impact on comparability of Employer Contributions and clarify the
payroll issues if an Employer Contribution results in an Excess Contribution.
Thank You.
Comment on FR Doc # E7-10529
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Employer Comparable Contributions to Health Savings Accounts Under Section 4980G
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Public Submission Posted: 11/21/2007 ID: IRS-2007-0052-0005
Aug 30,2007 11:59 PM ET
Public Submission Posted: 11/21/2007 ID: IRS-2007-0052-0004
Aug 30,2007 11:59 PM ET