August 20, 2008
Internal Revenue Service, Room 5203
P.O. Box 7604
Ben Franklin Station
Washington, DC 20044
RE: CC:PA:LPD:PR (REG-106897-08)
Dear Sir/Madam:
On behalf of the National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and
Treasurers (NASACT), we thank you for the opportunity to provide comments on
proposed regulations relating to qualified non-personal use vehicles as defined in
section 274(i) of the Code of Federal Regulations.
While we are very supportive of expanding the definition of qualified non-personal
use vehicles to include clearly marked public safety vehicles, we do not feel that
the definitions are broad enough to include various types of first responders and
vehicles that may not be clearly marked but that serve as emergency vehicles,
and as such, should be exempt from the current substantiation requirements.
Specifically, we refer to the definition of public safety officer. Several states
require that employees, other than those specifically defined in the regulation
as “public safety officer,” serve in a first responder capacity. To ensure consistent
and equitable treatment of employees with similar conditions of employment, we
suggest that the definition of “public safety officer” be expanded to include
functions of emergency first responders such as those related to infrastructure
(highway and bridges, mining operations, etc.) and child protective services.
Further, we request that certain unique equipment not be considered a steadfast
criterion for meeting the definition of qualified non-personal use vehicle. Many
public works vehicles are capable of responding to highway and other
emergencies but may not contain the unique equipment as outlined in the
definition of qualified non-personal use vehicle.
Finally, we recommend that the Internal Revenue Service consider amending the
proposed requirement that an “employee must always be on call” to reflect that
employees may work in call shifts or rotations. As currently proposed, the
definition would require that public safety officers be on call seven days per week
throughout the year.
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the proposed regulations concerning
nonqualified personal use vehicles. Should you have any questions or wish to
discuss these issues further, please feel free to contact NASACT’s Washington
director, Cornelia Chebinou, at (202) 624-5451. Thank you for your consideration.
Thomas H. McTavish, Auditor General, Michigan
Comment on FR Doc # E8-12805
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Qualified Nonpersonal Use Vehicles
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Comment on FR Doc # E8-12805
Comment on FR Doc # E8-12805
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