Comment on FR Doc # N/A

Document ID: IRS-2009-0008-0005
Document Type: Public Submission
Agency: Internal Revenue Service
Received Date: May 11 2009, at 08:49 AM Eastern Daylight Time
Date Posted: May 12 2009, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Start Date: April 28 2009, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Due Date: May 28 2009, at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time
Tracking Number: 80988495
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As a person living with multiple mental health disorders I cannot express my frustration enough over being limited to the number of visits I can see my psychiatrist each year, the requirements insurance companies impose on dosages prescribed by the doctor, or the excessive costs of the medications in comparison with other medical conditions. I, for one, think it is time for some equity in the medical field and acknowledging mental health illnesses is just one step forward. Did you know, most insurance companies will only cover mental health for 3 years? That includes those who insure their own employees. It seems they believe if you are not 'cured' in 3 years you do not deserve any benefits. I need you all to know I have been diagnosed bipolar/schizophrenic for over 20 years and it has been enough of a battle trying to cope with that not to mention these archaic insurance practices. The truth is, they know if they have to cover these illnesses like they do other illnesses they will not be able to pay their CEOs and other officers salaries in the hundreds of thousand dollars range and I do speak with some knowledge on that as I have accessed their yearly balance sheets for several years now. They enjoy a non-profit status, yet make more money than most industries currently trying to stay afloat. I wanted to share this with so you could understand my position and difficulties. Right now, due to the current Medicaid cutbacks, I am an untreated Bipolar/Schizophrenic with HIV Neuropathy and at least 20 other medical diagnosis I cannot afford to treat. I hope my schizophrenia and bipolar conditions do not lead to situations where I may cause my self or others harm as I will NOT return to a pschiatric ward simply to be treated for these when I could remain stable if I could receive my medications and continue to see my psychiatrist and other doctors. I do hope I influenced that opinion toward my way of thinking. With all I know from personal experiences, Richard Owens Harris 489 Starratt Road Lot 109 Jacksonville, Florida 32208 904-696-6847

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