private citizen, Belden, Regina

Document ID: LMSO-2009-0004-0005
Document Type: Public Submission
Agency: Labor-Management Standards Office
Received Date: December 04 2009, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Date Posted: December 4 2009, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Start Date: December 3 2009, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Due Date: December 14 2009, at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time
Tracking Number: 80a63680
View Document:  View as format xml

This is comment on Proposed Rule

Trust Annual Reports

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RIN 1215-AB75 This sounds like another cover up. This reaks of conflict of interst. The spending is out of hand and you want to hide it. Why would you, the government, to do this to us? Full disclosure is required. Obama is not going to be in office for a second term. This is just another nail in his political coffin. Make Big Labor disclose everything. Just tell the people the truth. You will be amazed!!

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Citizen, Abbott, Chris
Public Submission    Posted: 12/04/2009     ID: LMSO-2009-0004-0002

Dec 14,2009 11:59 PM ET
republican party, belcher, ronald
Public Submission    Posted: 12/04/2009     ID: LMSO-2009-0004-0004

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private citizen, Belden, Regina
Public Submission    Posted: 12/04/2009     ID: LMSO-2009-0004-0005

Dec 14,2009 11:59 PM ET
Self, Bowers, G.
Public Submission    Posted: 12/04/2009     ID: LMSO-2009-0004-0006

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Self, Brooks, Brandy
Public Submission    Posted: 12/04/2009     ID: LMSO-2009-0004-0007

Dec 14,2009 11:59 PM ET