Jean Public - Comment

Document ID: NHTSA-2011-0177-0002
Document Type: Public Submission
Agency: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Received Date: January 25 2012, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Date Posted: January 27 2012, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Start Date: December 21 2011, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Due Date: 
Tracking Number: 80fa3875
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this meeting should be in washington dc, not the vacationaland of san francisco ca. there is no reason to have this meeting in california with the high costs to taxpayers of travel, meals and hotelss. looks like employees are trying to pull a scam on taxpaeyrs to pay for their vacations. in fact this meeting should be on webinar, so the entire nation can attend, not just those with alot of money to fly around the country for meetings. you are scamming the public looking for benes for employees. please do not play pimp to manufacturing profiteers as you usually do. the public is entitled to public saferty. it is also time to take pesticides out of the tire mfg system. we dont need them anymore. this amendment will affect the usa in terms of costing more than $100, million to consumers. i resent nhtsa trying to pull this away from journalists who are in great numbers in washington dc and who can then advise the public. t his looks like a close to the vest attempt by nhtsa to do dirty to the americna public. webinar please. it costs less for taxpayers. it is more available to all americans. and we can see what the tire profiteers are pushign on us.

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Jean Public - Comment
Public Submission    Posted: 01/27/2012     ID: NHTSA-2011-0177-0002