RIN 0648-XC84
Attn: Patricia A. Kurkul
Regional Administrator
NMFS, Northeast Regional Office
One Blackburn Drive
Gloucester, MA 01930
Subject: Flawed 2008 Summer Flounder Quota Must Comply With the Magnuson-
Stevens Act by Following Scientific Recommendations to End Overfishing
Dear Administrator Kurkul,
Fisheries are collapsing in America's oceans and around the world. In the United
States, summer flounder illustrates the problem of mismanagement. After 20
years of allowing overfishing of summer flounder, MAFMC and NMFS continue to
reject the best available science in setting catch limits and ignore evidence of
overfishing. Today, summer flounder populations have only recovered to around 47
percent of healthy levels and, by law, must be fully recovered by 2013.
The Mid-Atlantic Council?s Monitoring Committee (made up of academic and
government fishery scientists) recommended a quota for 2008 of between 11.64
and 12.9 million pounds in order to have a 50 to 75 percent chance of success.
The Committee?s modeling approach has been peer reviewed by independent
scientists 16 times in the last 23 years. Despite this, MAFMC and NMFS have
ignored the best available science and recommended a quota of 15.77 million
pounds which has less than a 50% chance of success, endangering the recovery
of this damaged population. Last year, Congress reauthorized the Magnuson-
Stevens Act largely to prevent the kinds of actions the MAFMC and NMFS have
By proposing an annual catch limit that exceeds scientists? recommendations,
the council and the agency have failed the first true test for complying with new
conservation measures in the recently revised Magnuson-Stevens Fishery
Conservation and Management Act, our nation?s primary federal fisheries law.
After decades of overfishing and mismanagement, NMFS and MAFMC must follow
the legal mandate to follow scientific recommendations and issue a final 2008
quota of 11.64 million pounds.
Thank you for your work. Please consider this an official comment for the
proposed summer flounder quota for 2008.
Joseph Gordon
Comment by Joseph Gordon on RIN 0648-XC84
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Fisheries of the Northeastern United States; Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Fisheries; 2008 Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Specifications; 2008 Research Set-Aside Projects
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