National Oceanic and Atmospheric
50 CFR Part 665
[Docket No. 071211828?7557?01]
RIN 0648?AU22
Fisheries in the Western Pacific;
Bottomfish and Seamount Groundfish
Fisheries; Management Measures in
the Main Hawaiian Islands
I believe your proposed bottom fishing regulations to be excessive.
I am against a daily log for commercial and non-commercial fishermen.
For the people who propose these kinds of regulations, paperwork is a normal
everyday part of doing their daily business. Fishermen on the other hand (for the
most part) are used to working with fish, not with paper. The Hawaii CML report
will attest to that fact. Why go to such extremes when other alternatives will
accomplish the required ?deep 7? reduction?
Your ?Alternative 2? seems to make the most sense to me. It fulfils the 25%
decrease requirement and will probably prove to be even more effective in the
future. One common concern of the seasonal closure regulation was that when
the season was opened again, that there would be enough of an increased catch
effort that it could possibly negate the result of the closure. From what I witnessed
here on the Kona coast, that didn?t happen. A few new boats showed up on the
good fishing grounds but after a few days, they found that there was no significant
increase in the numbers to be caught. Nor did they have the skills working the
area to know where the fish congregate. Within a little over a week, the regulars
were back at work catching a normal amount of fish and the new boats that had
previously showed up disappeared. It?s back to normal.
As for myself, I am a fishing charter captain. I?m out there four days a week. I am
rare in the industry in that I mix up my fishing day with both trolling and some
bottom fishing. The type of bottom fishing that I do does not even target the ?deep
7? and is technically not even considered ?bottom fishing? by the standards set
forth by the Hawaii DLNR as ?bottom fishing?. I am mostly targeting amberjack,
almaco jack (I?m credited with their discovery in Hawaiian waters), giant trevally
and sharks. I occasionally catch gray snapper and grouper as bycatch but I am in
no way a threat to the ?deep 7?. I?m concerned that my type of fishery, which is
now growing in popularity in Kona, will be affected as we get swept into the drag
net of your fishing regulations. This upcoming fishery needs to somehow be kept
separate from the ?deep 7? regulations so your ?bottomfish complex? definition,
containing jacks as part of that complex concerns me. I?m all for conservation and
protecting the fishing resource. In fact, I tag and release more fish than any other
captain in Kona. What I don?t want is to have to fill out and send a report each
day. That?s a ridicules concept for almost any fisherman.
One more thing you may want to consider is that U.S. Coast Guard regulations
require any vessel with a State or Federal commercial fishing license to comply
with the Commercial Fishing Vessel Safety Act (CFIVSA). When this act was
imposed on Kona fishermen years ago, most captains, rather than spending the
huge amount of money needed to be in compliance, chose instead to cancel their
Hawaii commercial marine licenses. The effect of that decision is still being
contended with today. I suggest you look up this requirement before you require
all boats to obtain a ?permit?. Easily determined by the Coast Guard to be a
Capt. Jeff Rogers
Comment on FR Doc # E8-01900
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Fisheries in the Western Pacific; Bottomfish and Seamount Groundfish Fisheries; Management Measures in the Main Hawaiian Islands
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