August 11, 2008
John Boreman, Director
Office of Science and Technology NMFS
1315 East West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Attn: Gordon Colvin
Fax: 301-713-1875
RE: RIN 0648-AW10
Mr. Boreman:
I dock at St. Andrews Marina in Panama City Florida. Just down from my slip
(number 77) is a very popular boat ramp. The number of private recreational boats
that use this ramp is phenomenal. In the afternoons when I return from fishing
there may a dozen or more private boats 16' to 24' waiting outside the ramp to
retrieve there vessels after a day of fishing. My question is who keeps count of
these vessels and collects data on the numbers of anglers and types of trips, fish,
etc., they catch?
I support the efforts of the NMFS to obtain more accurate saltwater recreational
fishing data and believe the proposed national angler registry is a step in the right
direction is securing that data. We agree with the stated purpose to create a
registry of all recreational and for-hire saltwater anglers together with federal and
state agencies in order to collect the accurate effort, catch, and other data
necessary to improve the management of our fishery.
I personally believe there needs to be more required of the private angler in the
way of record-keeping in order to collect the data you need to improve its
accuracy. A simple brochure explaining the purpose of the data and the need to
have accurate information for all fishing trips made, not just the ‘best’ or ‘worst’
fishing days’ catches.
Each angler could be given a registrant number, a number to call and/or an email
address to report the information. It could be called in from a cell phone on the
way in from the trip to a data collection operator.
If anglers are educated to the importance of the accurate data and the data is not
used against the fishery at a later time, most will want to comply.
I agree with the position of the CCGF that we will only be supportive of “the use of
these registrations, licenses, permits, etc., for the sole purpose of data collection
and do not support any effort, now or in the future, to use these registrations,
licenses, permits, etc., to restrict access to any fishery resource, state or
federal. It should remain abundantly clear in your regulation that your proposal is
for information and data collection purposes only and that no fishing restrictions
shall be applied to these registrations.”
Thank you for the privilege to comment on these issues that are so important to
our industry and to our livelihood.
Captain Bill Archer
Comment from bill archer, capt tiny charters
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Marine Recreational Fisheries of the United States; National Saltwater Angler Registry Program
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