May 5, 2008
Dianne Stephan
Highly Migratory Species Division
Office of Sustainable Fisheries
National Marine Fisheries Service
One Blackburn Drive
Gloucester, MA 01930
Dear Ms. Stephan:
Unfortunately HSI is unable to submit full comments at this time, but we would
like to state our support for the modification of the Highly Migratory Species
(HMS) International Trade Permit (ITP) program that would require shark fin
importers, exporters and re-exporters to obtain an ITP.
We would like to see species-specific records of international trade in shark fins.
At the moment, the major importing entities, such as mainland China, Hong Kong,
Singapore and Taiwan, while keeping records of fin imports by weight and type, do
not record imports by species. We believe that keeping such records will facilitate
a far greater understanding of the nature of the international trade in shark fins and
will help to identify those species that may be over-exploited for the purposes of
the fin trade.
HSI commends the recent NOAA announcement that the Final Environmental
Impact Statement for Amendment 2 to the Consolidated Atlantic Highly Migratory
Species Fishery Management Plan includes a policy that sharks taken in Atlantic
fisheries must be landed with their fins attached. One of the primary arguments for
needing such a requirement is that species are much easier to identify when their
fins are still attached. The new rule is entirely compatible with the proposal that
international trade records by species should now be kept.
Thank you for providing this opportunity for comments.
Patricia A. Forkan
Humane Society International
Comment on FR Doc # E8-07068
This is comment on Proposed Rule
International Fisheries; Atlantic Highly Migratory Species
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Comment on FR Doc # E8-07068
Comment on FR Doc # E8-07068
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