attention sue salveson, ellen sebastian and glennmerrill
rin 0648-aw73 ak crab rationalizing program
the oil companies are hitting the fishing species hard, in addition to the overliberal
fishing policies that noaa nmfs has allowed to wipe out species after species for
the last sixty years, in addition to starving marine mammals that rely on the fish
species. this agency has allowed fish profiteers to denude the seas for fat wallets.
the amount they make per fishing trip is enormous and in the millions
this agencys policys do not help american citizens at all. they have allowed
endless decimation of species after species after species.
the scandal plagued us dept of commerce is not working for the good of the
american people - look at the blm people who slept with the oil companies and
took gifts from them. bribery is endless in slimy, skanky washington dc where the
lobbyists run around rampant with huge buckets of money to influence what
happens. the people fo this country are forgotten.
this agency has a conflict role and is biased and should not be trusted with this
administration. we need some honest people in govt who look out fo the people in
this country - they are sorely missing these days.
Comment from american citizen, american citizen
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska; Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Crab Rationalization Program
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