The following comments are submitted on behalf of the West Coast Seafood
Processors Association (WCSPA) in regard to the proposed rule implementing
Amendment 15 to the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery. WCSPA represents
shore-based seafood processing companies and associated businesses in
Washington, Oregon, and California. WCSPA members catch, process, and
market Pacific whiting and are thus directly affected by the proposed rule.
Due to their diverse interests, our members individually supported different
variations of Amendment 15 when it was being considered by the Pacific Fishery
Management Council (Council), although all supported the overall goal of the
amendment – to continue the rationalization process for the Pacific whiting fishery
in an effort to maintain an economically and biologically viable fishery which
minimizes bycatch to the extent practicable. At this time, we believe that
Amendment 15, as recommended by the Council, should be implemented as
quickly as possible so that it will be in effect for the 2009 Pacific whiting season.
Comment from Rod Moore, West Coast Seafood Processors Association
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Fisheries Off West Coast States; Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery; Amendment 15
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Public Submission Posted: 03/23/2009 ID: NOAA-NMFS-2008-0185-0002
Aug 11,2008 11:59 PM ET
Public Submission Posted: 03/23/2009 ID: NOAA-NMFS-2008-0185-0003
Aug 11,2008 11:59 PM ET