i donot think the ifq program is fair .every lisence holder should get the same vote on the
program not the ones with the most landings.the rod/reel &badit fisherman are being penized
because we only fish a few hooks at a time while the longlines get the most quotas because
they fish miles of lie with thousands of hooks.in the process kill the most fish and turtles! yet
they get rewarded and we get kicked to the curb i dont fish longline because i dont believe it is
the right way to be responsible.the reason you longline is to make as much money as possible.i
helped on a lonline shark boat years ago and most everything came up dead ,what a waste.try
going with days on the water not catch or split the longliners and bandit/rodreel into two
groups.we all could find a way to keep eveyone in business.we dont need more unemployed.the
econmy would be much better off with 500 boats spreading money than 50 boats with 10 owners
making a huge profit because they can afford to buy all the permits as they did with red snapper
.also on the red snapper that whole program is a joke.i cant fish any kind of structure because
the snappers are so thick,i have to fish flat bottom to get away from them leaving only catchin
red grouper.i cant fish the black grouper bottom anymore its not worth catchingthe snappers.i
can catch my years quota fishing in 20 minutes! we need to lump the snapper cath with grouper
quota,taking pressure off the grouper.the fisherman dont care which fish they catch and the
tourists wont care witch ones on the menu beacuse they are both as good tasting and you will
catch whichever is the most abundant.we can fiqure out a better way if allowed to do so
Comment from michael nadzam
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Fisheries of the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and South Atlantic; Reef Fish Fishery of the Gulf of Mexico; Amendment 29
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