Please include the comments below from the Virginia Department of Game and
Inland Fisheries as an addendum to the response submitted by the Virginia
Department of Environmental Quality on behalf of the Commonwealth dated
January 8, 2009. The VDGIF email containing these comments is also attached.
We have reviewed the above-referenced proposed rule and have the following
1. The species take list appears to be accurate; however, the number of animals
predicted to be affected for both Level A and Level B harassment are probably
underestimated, because the species density estimates from which take limits
are derived are based on too few data. Therefore, no marine mammal species
should be considered unlikely to be affected just because there are no density
data available (e.g., beaked whales). Since all of the species on the list exist in
the Virginia (VA) and North Caroline (NC) outer banks stranding records, collected
and kept by the Virginia Aquarium Stranding Response Program, we recommend
that all species on the take list should be considered susceptible to Level B
harassment year round.
2. The ‘elevated time of awareness’ for right whales (Table 14 in FR) should be
expanded to Oct-April (without excluding January) or, at a minimum, Nov-March
(without excluding January) based on strandings that have occurred in our region
throughout these months. Recent observations have been made of new mothers
as far north as Wilmington, NC during the winter calving season (i.e., Nov. 15 –
April 15), which provides further justification for expanding the period of elevated
awareness for VA area and NC.
3. Proposed mitigation measures and reporting requirements are acceptable.
Therefore, we have no comments on them.
We recommend maintaining close coordination with the National Marine Fisheries
Service, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Virginia Marine Resources
Commission, USFWS, Virginia's Department of Conservation and Recreation's
Division of Natural Heritage, Virginia Aquarium Stranding Response Program, and
this agency.
Thank you for the opportunity to provide comments.
Ernie Aschenbach
Environmental Services Biologist
Virginia Dept. of Game and Inland Fisheries
4010 West Broad Street
Richmond, VA 23230
Phone: (804) 367-2733
FAX: (804) 367-2427
Comment from John Fisher, Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
Title: Comment from John Fisher, Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
Comment from John Fisher, Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
This is comment on Proposed Rule
Taking and Importing Marine Mammals; U.S. Navy Training in the Virginia Capes Range Complex
View Comment
Comment from John Fisher, Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
Comment from John Fisher, Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
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