the quota allowed to be caught by all should be cut by 50% this year and by l0%
each year thereafter. this agency is run by commercial fish profiteers and is
skewering marine life so that species after species is being decimated by these
commercial profiteers. the law of the commons is in effect. the commercial
profiteers are in fact catching far above what they are allowed. theres is absolutely
no monitoring of the commercial fish profiteers - this agency is run like the sec--
lteh the guys do whateve rthey want and get away with it. this decimation hurts
our children. the marine life in the sea is being starved to death by the takings of
these commercial fish profiteers. we need investigation of the noaa and nmfs,
which seems to regard luxurious meetings every couple of months in great spots
as their right to vacations with their meals, hotels and travel paid for. they are
doing nothing to help the good of america at all. this is as corrupt as it gets. and
they all get money out of it so nobody does a thing to stop this corruption.
Comment from american citizens, american citizens
This is comment on Rule
Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska: Pollock in Statistical Area 630 of the Gulf of Alaska
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Public Submission Posted: 10/19/2010 ID: NOAA-NMFS-2009-0077-0002
Mar 18,2009 11:59 PM ET